The central place of collaboration between science and industry
Center of Technology Transfer Ltd. (CTT) was established in 1996 by the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture, University of Zagreb (UNIZAG FSB), with the support of the Ministry of Education (now the Ministry of Science, Education and Youth) and guidance from the German Fraunhofer Institute. The establishment of CTT created an entrepreneurial infrastructure primarily aimed at linking the scientific and research capabilities of FSB with the domestic industry. The Center's mission is to facilitate and accelerate the transfer of technology and knowledge to private companies. With its status as a legal entity, CTT streamlines and expedites processes when negotiating with the private sector, thereby addressing one of the major challenges in effective technology and knowledge transfer: time.
Located within the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture, the Center currently employs three full-time staff members. Its operations focus on leveraging FSB's scientific expertise and resources to foster economic growth and enhance the competitiveness of Croatian industry through value creation. Knowledge-based innovation processes, products, and services have become critical to competitiveness. Since its inception, CTT has actively worked to commercialize FSB's knowledge and research outcomes, as well as innovations developed in partnership with industry. Participation in the European single market and the global environment has introduced new opportunities and challenges for Croatian industry and society, emphasizing the importance of investments in infrastructure, knowledge, and skills. In this context, CTT conducts a variety of activities aimed at fostering collaboration between science and industry, encouraging the development of innovative companies, and guiding students toward entrepreneurship. The core activities of the Center of Technology Transfer include:
- Research and Development (R&D),
- Seminars,
- Projects,
- Technology Transfer,
- Incubation support for companies and students.